What You Need To Know About Garden Offices

Several homeowners have separated their work and home environments in 2020, making their workspaces as effective as possible. The popularity of garden offices and home offices has risen as a result.

Garden Offices: What are They?

An office in the garden can simply be referred to as a garden office. This space is typically used by those who work from home or establish home-based businesses. Especially in a year when work and home are increasingly intertwined, many people opt for this extra space to separate their personal and professional lives. Garden offices Leeds are useful tools for those without access to an office and missing the comforts of one.

Is a Garden Office Required by Planning Permission?

A garden office usually doesn’t require planning permission if you live in the United Kingdom. Normally, the purpose of the space and its size are two factors to consider when making this decision. When the garden office is the same size and construction as a garden shed, there should be no problems. Regarding its dimensions, it needs to be at most four meters tall and not take up more than half of the garden. The garden office should also have a two meter perimeter around it and should not block the view.

However, if the garden office will be used for running a business, planning permission will be required. No matter how big or small the space or its position within the garden, this remains the case. It is because it is more heavily reliant on neighbors, as a yard business can disturb those around you if it is run from your garden.

Garden Office Rooms | Work From Home Space | Green Retreats

The Benefits of Having a Garden Office

There are many benefits to building a garden office, which many people find invaluable. It maximizes efficiency and allows compartmentalization by creating a separate work space. These types of systems are particularly helpful for people who share a house with other people working from home, people who run their own businesses from home, and people who have families at home. Creating an effective work-life balance thus requires the use of a garden office.

Are These Expenses Deductible?

A garden office can be claimed as a tax deduction if it is used for business purposes, and if your company is VAT-registered. Including the plumbing, electrical wiring, heating, and the outbuilding’s contents, you can claim back the VAT paid on these costs. In contrast, if your company is registered under the flat rate scheme, you will not be able to claim these expenses. Capital expenditures can only be claimed through the flat rate scheme if they cost over £2,000 in one purchase. This complicates things.

Can I Increase the Value of my Property by Adding a Garden Office?

The value of a garden office can significantly increase over time. According to estate agents’ research, any added features or work to a house can increase its value by at least 5%. Check out our guide on the top 10 home improvement tips.

When a new addition is added to the house, this can be even more true. Therefore, features such as a “garden office” play an important role in attracting potential buyers and can serve as an effective way to enhance a property’s sales potential. The unique features of a house can increase its value by at least 10%, ensuring that it is a valuable investment over time.